The Economic Promotion Council of Cd. Obregón welcomes you and invites you to explore how active citizens, companies, universities and government work together to build the city of the future. The commitment is clear: promote sustainable progress and consolidate Ciudad Obregón's position in the business landscape.
El Consejo de Promoción Económica es un organismo público descentralizado que se encarga de promover la inversión en Ciudad Obregón, Sonora y a su vez crear condiciones favorables para que esto suceda.
En este organismo son las cámaras empresariales, universidades, empresarios y gobierno municipal quienes marcan el camino a seguir en torno al desarrollo económico de la ciudad.
We are a strategic partner for business growth. We offer our support at any stage of your company, from planning corporate agendas for visits to the city to integrating commercial missions. Our commitment is to promote the sustainable development of Ciudad Obregón.
Our portfolio includes:
Corporate Agenda: We design personalized agendas to connect local entrepreneurs with growth opportunities.
Integration of Informative Documents: Access updated and relevant data that will guide your strategic decisions.
Office Rental: We provide efficient workspaces to boost your productivity and creativity.
Supplier Development: We facilitate the connection between suppliers and companies, strengthening the local supply chain.
Integration of Commercial Missions: We accompany you in the exploration of new markets, expanding your business horizons.
Development of Innovation Projects: We promote collaborative innovation, creating disruptive solutions for business challenges.

Office space for rent

Organización de eventos

Proveeduria local
Ciudad Obregón se eleva como el destino predilecto para las empresas que buscan un ecosistema de prosperidad. Nuestra ubicación estratégica, talento joven y comprometido, mano de obra de alta calidad y una calidad de vida envidiable convergen en un entorno propicio para el éxito empresarial.